We designed and developed free, publicly accessible e-textbooks for primary and secondary schools in Slovenia. LTFE has set up a Virtual classroom environment in which e-textbooks are hosted. The e-textbooks, issued under Creative Commons (CC) license, cover several topics of higher level elementary school program, such as Our Body (Biology), Drawing composition skills (Arts), Technics and Technology, Nature and Technics (5th grade), and selected subjects on secondary school level, such as Video production, Physics, Geography, Machine technology, Carpentry, Topics in hairdressing, etc. 

LTFE maintains the virtual classroom established on our E-CHO learning management system with over 28.000 registered users. We are taking care for daily operation of virtual classroom and thus enable numerous teachers and students to access e-textbooks of their choice, either for studying or classroom usage.

The project was financially supported by Ministry of Education and Sport of Republic of Slovenia and European Social Fund.


  • DigiEd d.o.o.
  • Videofon d.o.o.

Duration: 2006 – 2011