The aim of this project is a peer-to-peer cooperation with Iraqi governorates in order to help them strengthen the legitimacy of local government by providing transfer of good practices from Slovenia.

The project responds to the needs of Al Anbar province in the area of agriculture and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective is to increase the capacity of the Iraqi Governorate in the Province of Al Anbar and to address their priority challenges in agriculture. The agriculture sector is of central importance in Anbar. Development of the sector depends on the existence of an appropriate agricultural policy and management, promote the use of modern methods in agriculture – based on the application of science and technology in resource management, disease and pest control, and the use of quality seeds and preservation of animal origins and conservation of resources. Therefore, the main attention is being put on small farmers economy and marketing: virtual market and farmers’ cooperatives.

The project attempt to address the aligned views on identified needs in agricultural sector in Al Anbar and offer good practice examples on one hand and support to their transfer and implementation in Al Anbar on the other. The collaboration will help to collectively identify opportunities in this Iraqi Province to advocate effective and transparent local government systems and public services and explore models and mechanisms for further developing Iraq’s local government.

Project website:


Programme: Supporting Recovery and Stability in Iraq through Local Development’ Funded by the European Union and Implemented by UNDP

Duration: 15.03.2021 – 14.03.2022

Project cost: 499 528, 26 EUR.


  • Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia (SOS) (koordinator)
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of electrical engineering, Slovenia
  •  ZaVita consulting, Slovenia
  • STRITIH sustainable development, Slovenia