The project STORY shows the added value of storage in the distribution grid. We demonstrate and evaluate innovative approaches for energy storage systems in residential and industrial environments. Through a large scale impact analysis and in an open dialogue with all stakeholders, STORY formulates the policy and regulatory changes that are required to realize a promising future for energy storage. STORY is a joint project of 18 international partners involved in 6 demonstrations in 5 European countries and is funded under the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. To maximize the project‘s long-term impact STORY ensures that critical opinions of the stakeholders – including business, policy, research communities and civil society – are integrated throughout the process through a series of workshops and a continuous dialogue.

More information:

Project namr: STORY (added value of STORage in distribution sYstems)

Programme: EU, HORIZON2020 (LCE-08-2014)

Duration: 01.05.2015 – 30.04.2020

Project cost: 12.484.339,00

Project code: 646426


  • VTT      Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT           Finland
  • THNK   Th!nkE BVBA     Belgium
  • VITO    Vlaams Instituut voor technologisch onderzoek    Belgium
  • VLER    Vlerick Business School  Belgium
  • BASN    BaseN Oy         Finland
  • UL        University of Ljubljana   Slovenia
  • BEN      Beneens en Zonen bvba Belgium
  • EG        Elektro Gorenjska          Slovenia
  • VIES     Viessmann Belgium bvba           Belgium
  • HAW     Hawker GmbH  Germany
  • B9        B9 Energy Storage Ltd   United Kingdom
  • LOPT    Lopta Film GmbH          Germany
  • JR         Joanneum Research       Austria
  • ACT      Actility SAS        France
  • PI         Prospex Institute VZW    Belgium
  • CEN      Fundacion Cener-Ciemat            Spain
  • EXL      Exkal    Spain
  • UCL      UC Leuven        Belgium