SIVA aims to contribute to the improvement of the accessibility of SEE territories through broadband services, as substitute for and supplementing physical accessibility and thus to the narrowing the digital gap in South East Europe.

Access to information, broadband connectivity and financing of virtual accessibility are key components necessary for the development, adoption and use of ICT in the economy and society. Inadequacies in the telecommunication infrastructure and accessibility to services among the individual countries and regions of the programme area hamper significantly competitiveness and cohesion in South East Europe.

Market mechanisms fail to address adequately the low population density and/or rural and remote areas. These problems have been widely acknowledged at European and national policy level. Member states and regions in the SEE area have adopted virtual accessibility strategies, but further work needs to be done particularly in elaborating comprehensive operational plans and mature implementing measures to achieve the objectives set regarding the broadband connectivity and accessibility of services.

Partners: Regional Association of Local Governments of Western Macedonia (Greece), Molise Region (Italy), Regional Authority Kyustendil (Bulgaria), Burgas Municipality (Bulgaria), Decentralized Administration of Crete (Greece), Milano Metropoli Development Agency (Italy), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), University of Patras (Greece), Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation (Republic of Macedonia), Business Startup Center Bar (Montenegro), Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Slovenia).

Duration: 01.10.2012 – 30.09.2014

Project cost: 1.545.338,00

Project code: SEE/D/0089/3.2/X