The 5G-ADRIA project will prepare an initial study for the cross-border introduction of the 5G network between Slovenia and Croatia on the Mediterranean corridor connecting ports in the northern Adriatic Sea. The transport route stretches from the port of Koper via Ljubljana to Obrežje and continues to Zagreb and on to the port in Rijeka. The total length of the corridor is 378 km (207 km in Slovenia and 171 km in Croatia). In addition to UL FE, the partners in the project are: Telemach Slovenia (leading partner), Telemach Croatia, DARS and OIV Croatia.

The objectives of the study are:

  • alignment of existing passive and active infrastructure along the corridor with traffic needs and management services,
  • introduction of basic standardized CAM services with improved traffic information and management, which require better 5G coverage for higher data requirements and higher vehicle density,
  • introduction of advanced CAM services with cooperative exchange of information on international traffic and real-time traffic management,
  • lay the groundwork for next-generation networks with exceptional capabilities that may not yet be achievable in the near future (eg services that require extremely high data throughput and low latency).

As part of the project, a business model and study of profitability and public benefits will be created. The 5G-ADRIA project will address various aspects that are in line with EU policies, such as e-health, mobility and e-mobility, transport, industry, smart society, smart cities, etc.

Project name: 5G ADRIA

Programme: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

Project costs: €1,470,449.84 (50% EU co-financing)

Project duration: 6 months (January 2024 – June 2024)



  • University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Electrical Engineering),
  • Telemach Slovenia,
  • Telemach Croatia,
  • Highways Company of the Republic of Slovenia,
  • Odašiljači i veze (OiV) Croatia