From 6th to 7th June, our colleagues Nina Cvar and Nataša Božić attended the second plenary meeting of the Smart Era project in Sóller. The event, representing an important milestone for the project, was very eventful. The first day was marked by the presentation of the work packages linked to the content part, while the last day was dedicated to an overview of the project management.

The first day of the meeting included a detailed presentation of the work on the pilots. Nataša Božić presented an analysis of the situation of the Slovenian pilot, while Nina Cvar concluded the presented content with a foreseen action plan for further activities, which had been discussed with Rotunda, the Slovenian partner, specialised in working with the pilot’s communities.

The University of Ljubljana, in cooperation with FBK, the project’s lead partner, and Poliedra, organised a successful, 90-minute workshop on digitalization in rural areas. The results of the workshop, in which all project partners participated, will be very useful for the development of the Smart Innovation Package, which represents the central epistemic kernel of the project.

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