The overall ambition of CODECS is to improve the motivation and capacity of European farmers to adopt and understand the digitalisation as a path to sustainable change. Together with farmers and AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems) actors, the goal of CODECS is co-developing methods, tools and user-friendly approaches which will be able to document the co-benefits and costs of applied technologies.

CODECS strives towards providing information on costs and benefits of digital technologies to farmers, advisors and policy makers, study and create conditions for increasing the capacities of rural communities and build policy recommendations to foster the susatinalble development of rural areas with use of agricultural digital technologies. The project will develop the vision of sustainable digitalisation which will contribute to socio-economic transition of agri-food system, enabling it to be more responsive to future economic, social and environmental challenges. This will be acheived by adopting an innovative system based and actor centered approach and an action research methodology based on coordination of 21 Living Labs through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams. In order to monitor the level of digitalisation and forsee the potential costs and benefits, it will test three indicators – farmers’ digital readiness, scaling readiness and digital ecosystem conduciveness.

CODECS aims to improve the collective capacity to understand, forsee and asses costs and benefits of farm digitalisation and to build digital ecosystems that will maximise net benefits of digitalisation.

Programme: Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)

Project budget: 7 499 707.00 EUR

Project code: /

Duration: 48 months (September 2022- September 2026)


  • University of Pisa (IT)
  • ACTA (FR)
  • IDELE (FR)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
  • Szechenyi Istvan University (University of GYOR) (HU)
  • European Association on Local Development (BE)
  • Ciheam Bari (IT)
  • EV ILVO (BE)
  • Agricultural Economics Research Institute (GR)
  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZ)
  • Biosense (RS)
  • University of Ljubljana (SI)
  • Farmers’ Parliament (LV)
  • University of Hohenheim (DE)
  • New Edu (SK)
  • INRAE (FR)
  • (AE)ScienceAgro (FR)
  • SRUC – The James Hutton Institute (UK)
  • Cultivate (IE)
  • Baltic Study Center (LV)
  • AgFutura (MK)
  • Consorzio pecorino toscano DOP (IT)
  • Estonian University of Life Science (EE)
  • Czech Society for Information Technology in Agriculture (CZ)
  • (ISO-TECH) Foundation Malopowska (PO)
  • University of Cordoba (ES)
  • University of Almeria (ES)
  • Associación de Organizaciónes de Productores de frutas y hortalizas de Almería (ES)
  • Wageningen Research (NL)
  • Ousterel LIT (FR)