In today’s ever-evolving innovation landscape, the emergence of distributed-team models and highly skilled mobile knowledge workers is reshaping how we approach regional innovation. CODIL, committed to enhancing regional innovation policy instruments, aims to support this transformative shift while integrating digital technologies into the innovation process as a catalyst for change.

To further address the challenges of remote work, including the migration of workers, the risk of talent loss, brain drain, and fragmentation within ecosystems, at CODIL, we are organizing another interregional thematic seminar on “Incentives and Innovation Services to Attract and Retain Talent”.

Taking place on 12-13 June 2024 in Timișoara, Romania, the event will provide a space for project partners and stakeholders to converge and tackle the challenge of brain drain and policy readiness. Delving into education, company practices, and human resources, we seek to identify solutions at the heart of talent retention.

F0llowing the question “where does it begin?” (i.e. the brain drain issue), launched during the CODIL ITS meeting in Ireland in March 2024, three domains will be debated: education, companies, and human resources.

We will identify incentives and instruments that can contribute to increasing our regions’ attractiveness and adapt and renew policies to attract and retain talent. The seminar is part of the one-and-a-half-day ITS event hosted by the West Regional Development Agency in the West Region, Romania. The second round of staff exchanges will follow the event for another one and a half days, consisting of an in-depth exchange of knowledge activities between partners and project stakeholders, including visits to some of the West Region ecosystem stakeholders.

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