Članek o živih laboratorijih je bil danes objavljen v posebni izdaji The Governance of Social Innovation for a Sustainable Economy: Requirements, Actors and Approaches, pripravila pa ga je skupina avtoric (Veronika Zavratnik, Argene Superina in Emilija Stojmenova Duh) iz našega laboratorija. V njem lahko izveste marsikaj o tej vznemirljivi temi, kar vas zanima. Vabljeni k branju!

“Living Labs are spaces for innovative and participative research, development and activities that use multidisciplinary approaches and promote the co-creation paradigm. Our specific interest lies in exploring the value of the Living Lab concept for creating environments that enable equal opportunities for people living in rural and urban areas, and for making rural areas attractive places to live. Moreover, through the existing practices and research results available, Living Labs are seen as one of the important building blocks of smart rural development and an important step towards establishing a Smart Village environment. Living Labs are a valuable player in enhancing circular economy, digital transformation, local self-sufficiency and other elements of sustainable living.”

(Iz povzetka članka.)
