Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Katedra za informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije vas vljudno vabi na predavanje
prof. dr. Min Chen
Director, Embedded and Pervasive Computing (EPIC) Lab
School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
AIWAC: Affective Interaction through Wide-Learning And Cognitive Computing
v četrtek, 26. 7. 2018 ob 10:00 v Multimedijski dvorani na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, Tržaška cesta 25, Ljubljana. Predavanje bo potekalo v angleščini.

With the development of the 5th generation wireless systems (5G), the wireless world is to be interconnected without barriers. The new technology is giving rise to more challenging applications, and people expect more personalized and interactive services with resource-limited mobile terminals. Fortunately, Mobile edge computing (MEC) implemented in the context of 5G can overcome this bottleneck, which makes it possible to enable many resource-intensive services for mobile users with the support of mobile big data delivery and cloud-assisted computing. In this talk, a novel Emotion-aware Mobile Cloud Computing framework in 5G will be given, which provides personalized emotion-aware services by MEC and affective computing. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing are significant for emotion-aware computing and emotion detection to meet various technical challenges. Especially, the role of wide learning is emphasized, which integrates multiple deep nets models and multidimensional data collections through IoT and 5G technologies. The practical testbed named Affective Interaction through Wide-Learning And Cognitive Computing (AIWAC) will be introduced.